Our German Friends... Torstren and Deter onboard Sand Piper
Yesterday did turn out nicely. We went snorkeling and found Conch then came back to clean them. That turned out to be an interesting lesson that Tucker was kind enough to teach us. I am afraid we may have butchered a couple but we ate them anyway.

Today the whole Compass Crew is leaving. This is Dennis and Gail onboard Gadabaut. They are heading to the Berry islands before going home.

Russ cleaning up after cleaning his share of Conch.
Russ and Molly will be leaving with us heading for Long Island.

Mel, Radar, and Karen
Karen runs the day to day operations here at Compass. She has become a dear friend. We will miss her as well Mano, Tucker, and the rest of the crew.
Today we are leaving our favorite place in the world... Compass Cay. It's time to see some different sights and we have charted a course for
Long Island. Columbus once landed here and it is said he called this, "The most beautiful island in the world". We never met Columbus so we cannot verify that but will make up our on minds when we see it for ourselves. We have never been this far south so it should be interesting.
Who knows what's next?
Until we find internet again...