Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And then there's this...

Source:S1mone via Rachelandthecity

...I found while drinking coffee and goofing off this morning.

Actually, I think it would be more difficult to explain Kim Kardashian.

Hell, in the 50s Dick Tracy was talking into his video watch and there were flying cars.
I loved the modern age.

Honestly we do, do some things besides search around for mindless crap on the internet and when I figure out what those things are... I promise to post them immediately.

We're excited to be having friends from Memphis come visit this weekend. It's always fun to take folks riding in the Albury and show them around the hood. They're arriving tomorrow so Istaboa is shiny clean and loaded up with goodies.



Today's Pic

Thinkin' bout Memphis
One picture has nothing to do with the other, just stumbled on it surfing around the web in bed last night before falling asleep.
A great photo from 1939.
Click to enlarge.

July 1939. Gordonton, N.C. "Country store on dirt road. Sunday afternoon. Note kerosene pump on the right and the gasoline pump on the left. Rough, unfinished timber posts have been used as supports for porch roof. Negro men sitting on the porch. Brother of store owner stands in doorway." 4x5 nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.