Sunday, November 14, 2010

Alligator River Marina

Not much here so I'm sure it's an early night then an early morning.

But, Radar is very happy to have grass to walk on.



This is interesting...

Fake Capsizing Boat Trolls the High Seas

Artist Julien Berthier created a boat, named Love Love, that looks like it’s sinking, but actually has a motor that allows it to be driven around, fully afloat. Check out inside for a picture of the boat out of the water.

Underway finally...

Capt. Will was nice enough to quickly drop everything and fly up to Virginia to help me get the boat back south.
We left AYB this morning at first light and we're not sure where we will stop for the night.
Mel's mom continues to improve so hopefully we can pick Mel up somewhere south, soon. The boat doesn't seem right without her presence and Radar is sure not a happy pup when she's not around.

