Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Silas Rui Taylor

May you always be as happy as you were on this day.

Pop and GrandMel

One more AYB shot

Probably the coolest thing about Atlantic Yacht Basin is it's time worn patina — or funk as we'd admiringly describe it in Memphis. 
I've posted this shot before, but while having coffee this morning, I enhanced it a bit. The original's exposure was out of whack so I'll probably work on this shot for years. I love this photograph, I think AYB's funky old boat shed framed those I love quite nicely. (Sorry Mud, you weren't around then.)
Fall 2010

Today's Pics

Some old shots taken at Atlantic Yacht Basin.

Hopefully by the time this is posted we'll be movin on up the Chesapeake.