Total Return on the way from Compass to Black Poin
Copperfield Bay on Musha Cay
It was a nice day yesterday so we left early to run to Cave Cay. Got to the entrance of
Cave Cay Marina on a good rising tide and tied up for the night. Cave is a rather peculiar marina that looks as if it's under construction but we saw no workers. It is a great natural harbor that is a hole in the island. Protected from all sides. It could be a real jewel someday.
Molly and Mel went exploring and Russ and I opted for snorkeling.
Wow! the snorkeling was the most beautiful swim I have ever had. I don't have an underwater camera but I don't think a camera could convey the incredible images we saw in the most crystal clear water I have ever been in. We were on the ocean side and it was a perfect day. Flat like a lake.

Later we took the dink out for a sunset dink and drink over to
Musha Cay. It is owned by the Magician David Copperfield and we read he rents it out for $345,000,000 a week. It is a beautifully manicured island and looks like paradise to be had for a price.

Then the sunset
We have had a change of mind and have decided to head to Georgetown before crossing over to Long Island.
So for now....
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