Sunday, April 17, 2011

Very cool!

We've been keeping up (via Spot) with some friends aboard "Outbound", a Hatteras LRC, who at this moment are passing through the Panama Canal. Happened to look at just the right time and caught them in Miraflores Lock and actually watched them in real time on the Canal Web Cam website while locking down.
Did a screenshot.

They left Fort Lauderale 9 days ago and made a very bumpy straight shot from Key West to Panama. They're taking Outbound to her new home in Seattle.
Learned from them that if you can stretch your vessel out past 65', you get a transit slot faster than smaller vessel's. They just made it (their boat is 59') by using a very long anchor, every inch of the swim platform, and cheating a bit. This usually takes up to 2 weeks for smaller boats.
Guess size does matter.
Bon voyage, Outbound.



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