It seems the thing we enjoy most is to cruise around until we find a place where we like to be... then stay for a while and become acquainted.
We were adding up all the places we've called home last night; we've done this for many years, many times, and been many places.
Orange Beach, AL, Pensacola, Panama City, Apalachicola, Burnt Store, Fort Myers, Naples, Marathon, Key West, Key Largo, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Jupiter, Stuart, (Think we've covered the state of Florida?) Elbow Cay, Compass Cay, Gloucester Point.
We could go on...
We've lived several months in all of these port cities/islands and usually longer, we've always found the best in them.
That's the most fascinating part of this 'cruising around in a boat' thing. Try to find the best—in every place you stop—in the time you have there. Everywhere we've stayed has great music, arts, food, parks, and folks... it's always there, you just have to look past where the crowds gather.
Sometimes you just have to be there and that's good enough. Think Compass Cay.
The last time we were up here in the Chesapeake, it was so damn hot we turned and ran back to the southern part of the bay and tied up at Gloucester Point, VA just because it was less expensive. We flew back to Memphis. When it cooled off we returned and cruised around that area and made great friends. We stayed there for several months too... and we really liked it.
Now, home for a while appears to be Annapolis. The weather's been unbelievable for August, the marina's nice and reasonably priced, the locals are very friendly, many really nice boats around, the food's great, and... most importantly... we like it here, we like it a lot.
This year, as we look up north, the weather's not that good... as we look back south, the weather's not too good down there either. It's been a very hot/wet year both down south and up north. Oddly enough, we've managed to be in-between it all for our whole trip. This is probably the best summer we can remember while living aboard. The weather's been weird this year for sure, but we're not complaining, let it stay weird till we head back south. No blows, please.
I guess the best thing about remaining tied up at one place is... we allow ourselves to be lazy.
Sleep late in the mornings, not running means we don't salt up the boat then have to wash her down at the end of every day, no worrying about the weather and seas, no thoughts about where we'll be tomorrow.
For a while, we'll allow ourselves to be and reap the fruits of our indolence.
In short... life's good. Despite all the chaos that's going on around us, our life's good and we hope it stays that way. It seems like everyday something tries to muddle our existence, but for now we're keeping the crazy away and we're good.
Sorry, is that selfish? ... Sorry.
We hope life's good in your world also, we really do.
Speaking of good...
Our friends, Craig and Tracy, have just made the commitment and acquired their first live-aboard boat. They've been working toward this for a long time and they're excited about this next chapter of life. Their immediate plan is to live-aboard in Ft Lauderdale.
Craig's a very talented, capable, and hardworking Marine Electronics guy... They'll do well.
Okay... I know... most come here for the pictures...

Home's where Istaboa is.
Now, I'm closing this laptop and going back to sleep.
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Well said! It's so true though, home is where you want it to be and what you make of it. I'm glad that your summer turned out to be great. And no apologies for doing exactly what you want - you've earned it!