Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Thoughts Exactly

Received my online subscription to PassageMaker Magazine today. In it, there's an article about George Town, Exumas, Bahama's winter community that I found to be so true. Thought I'd pass it on.

For those of you who haven't been to George Town, you'll find this interesting, for those who have; you'll either find a great deal of humor in, or strongly disagree with, this writer's's take on the community that floats in every year. I tend to be of the same mind as the author, but we've only been there once and, frankly found the environment, both on and off the hook, a bit hostile.
Of course, we anchored there in our fancy-smancy powerboat; though, far away from all the winter residents... even gave out free ice as a peace offering... we were still met with a certain amount of animosity, then adding injury to insult, someone "Teeved" all the gas from our freshly topped off with Bahamian fuel dingy in the middle of the night
So, we're not big fans of George Town, but we know many who are.

Oh well... C'est la vie.

Enjoy the article.

I hope PassageMaker magazine doesn't mind my passing it along.



Click the thumbnail of the article to read... It's a great online publication, so maybe join up.

Look inside >
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March 2013

Today's Pic

It's gonna be a dark night's crossing