Saturday, August 29, 2015


It's appears Erika has dissipated and is now nothing more than a weak, wet blow.
Much to chagrin of our weather prognosticators, Erika never cooperated with them. We appreciate it.

In an email from our friends aboard 'Irianna':
Double tied to dock and opposite finger in Blue Haven marina Provo... Had gusts to a lil over 40 kts at about 1730 y/day. We stayed on the boat figuring if we lost shore power, we have a gen set to run all.... I would have gotten off the boat if it had been a bigger storm.
We currently have 20-25 kts and rain. The strange thing that stumps my pea brain is that the wind Only varied about 10 deg all throughout... SE wind .... relentless since March!
They're weathering it out in the Turks & Caicos. Nice place to do so.

Walked down to the beach this morning. A very nice morning. Playing with my iPhone.

"Can't Find My Way Home" written by Steve Winwood — Performed by Nathan East