Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In Review: The Sassafras River

The day we decided to abort our plan to cruise New England, we quickly went to work on a Plan B.

Plan B started out by exploring the Sassafras River. We'd read it was a very pretty, serene little river and it turned out to be so.

Reminded us of the Tennessee River in many ways, just a little more quiet.

Especially this boat... looks like a hell-of-a business opportunity for someone at Pickwick Lake.

'Smoke On The Water' 
would motor out and drop a hook, attract the locals by filling the air with BBQ smoke, then sell to the weekenders.
Nice boat... good idea.

When we eased up the river, the sky was overcast and it's greyness leeched the shores of almost any color. On the way back out to the Chesapeake, the Sassafras gave us a glimpse of a few of it's more vivid sights.

Though there were many boats taking advantage of the pretty anchorages on the river... this one little red sailboat caught my eye. All alone in a quiet cove on a calm morning.
More zen stuff.

And those appropriately eye-catching homes I posted about a few days ago?

Just a couple of little places we admired as we were heading out to the Bay.

Looks old... bet it is.

Not New England, but not bad... but not New England... not this year anyway.

The Sassafras was a nice, relaxing place to visit, we'll do it again.



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